Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Age Old Question

Is it wrong to use the upcoming visit of a right jolly old elf to illicit good behavior from one's child? The last week or two, all I have to do is start humming, "Here Comes Santa Claus," and whatever whining, fit-throwing, potential tantrum that might be in the works ceases immediately. My son sometimes even apologizes and promises to be good! "Will Santa still bring me my Hummer?" Andrew will ask worriedly, after realizing that his behavior might have Saint Nick considering moving his name to the "naughty" list. Now, generally speaking, Andrew is a very good boy, and tends to mind most of the time. But still, I can't resist using the powers of Santa to exercise a little mind control. Cruel, I know, but it works every time! Besides, my parents did it and I turned out okay...right?


Desi said...

Mind control is never a bad thing when it comes to children...he he he.

Too bad the Santa guilt doesn't work as well on 10 year olds or 1 year olds! One knows too much and the other too little.

Milk it for all it's worth while you still can.

EmmaP said...

i used to pick up the phone and pretend to "talk to santa's workshop at the north pole". "Yes. Please make note that [insert child's name here] is throwing a tantrum...Oh, wait a minute. Oh, never mind, [child] has miraculously stopped and has decided to behave him/herself. Thank Santa for me." Worked everytime.

This time of year is stressful enough. Sometimes, you gotta do whatcha gotta do, and it is sure better than losing control and beating him.

Unknown said...

I've done it in the past and Becky never complained. Ammon on the other hand...

Bubba'll catch on all too soon and then the magic is gone.

Megan said...

any reminder to be good is a good thing. I used Santa as a bribe for my whole kindergarten class!!!