Saturday, December 6, 2008


1) It is December 6th and my tree is up but not yet decorated and half my darling decorations sit rotting in their boxes. Utterly shameful! If only the days were a few hours longer!

2) I just finished "brucing" my entire kitchen floor with my handy dandy Bruce-O-Matic (check it out if you have no idea what I'm talking about it's fantastic! I can't live without the BRUCE). My back hurts but my sparkly, pretty floor is well worth my discomfort.

3) I am experiencing agonizing buyer's remorse over the extravagant amount of pictures and picture cards I purchased at Kiddie Kandids today. (see #4) Please don't ask how much, it's too painful to say.

4) My son is the cutest thing this side of the Mississippi! (This year's Christmas card photo below as proof!) Come on, admit it!
5) Giving my cat two shots for diabetes and two doses of liquid antibiotic a day is a little exhausting, not to mention my hurt feelings since the cat now starts running every time he sees me coming. Poor Bobby!

6) I am thisclose (attention: DESI) to being done with my Christmas shopping. Obviously the shopping comes before the decorating in my book. A little backwards, but it works for me. Unfortunately, despite the icky state of the economy I have spent WAY too much money, yet again. I had resolve to be so frugal this year! I have no idea where I went wrong...

7) There are ten school days remaining before my glorious two week vacation. I want to get a lot of little projects done around the house but will probably just lie around eating bon-bons and reading all the books on my "must-read" list. Do you have any I should add?

8) I need to start some more Christmas traditions with/for my son. What do you all do on Christmas Eve/Day that I can copy? A few we have are that we always wrap up Christmas books and unwrap and read them on all the nights in December, we make cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, open Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve. Please share what you do-I would love to hear!

9) I liked Twilight, the movie. Maybe I'm silly but I even saw it three times. Yeah, the special effects were a little cheesy, but the LOVE STORY was intact and that's the most important part. So sue me.

10) I can't get enough of the Christmas music on the radio this year. They can't play, "Last Christmas," by Wham too many times for me. The video is classic and brings back so many 80's memories, like George Michael with big feathery hair pretending to like girls. Indulge yourself-you know you want to!


Desi said...

Hey, I called you back, so now the balls in your court!

The only thing we do that you don't do for Christmas eve is drive around and look at the Christmas lights.

As for books to read, have you read the Gideon books? I think they would be great for your students and I thoroughly enjoyed the first two...the third one doesn't come out until sometime next year.

As for Twilight, I did not like it AT ALL. It was so not worth my money. It did start getting good after the baseball scene when Laurent, James and Victoria came out which is kind of a problem since you’re not supposed to like the bad guys better than the main characters.

Anyway, we need to chat. I started a blog just about adoption and that has opened up quite the can of worms…anyway if you want the URL let me know.

Desi said...

As if my comment wasn't long enough, but I had to comment on Wham. I heard that song the other day and it brought back so many memories that I had to pull out my Very Special Christmas CD. Too funny...we are getting old

Rylee's Mom said...

That song is my favorite song and now everytime I hear it I can't help but picture George running (like a girl) in the snow!

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Andrew! He looks so grown up and I am a little melancoly thinking about it.