Saturday, December 6, 2008

Emma's Cool Book Tag

I accepted Emma's book tag challenge, and since I was sitting at home in the office/ironing room where we don't keep books, I searched around a little and found a book my friend MJ had given to me on my last birthday on a shelf above the computer. It is called, Better Than You Think You Are by Ardeth Kapp, and MJ so kindly gave it to me because she knows I have serious inadequacy issues and is always trying to get me to like myself. Thanks MJ! Keep trying! Anyway, I generally don't read "churchy" books (sorry but they tend to strike me as a bit cheesy), but this one had something really great on p.56, sentences 5-7:

"We came with enough, and if we do our very best the Lord will make up the difference. With his help, we will measure up; we will be enough to fulfill our foreordained missions as sons and daughter of God. We each do have a mission, a reason for being."
Well said, Ardeth. And not even a little bit cheesy. I think I just added another book to my "must read" list!
Now everyone go to Emma's blog, follow the insturctions and play-it's fun!

1 comment:

Mary Jane said...

What a great quote. If there is that much wisdom on page 56, I bet the entire book has wisdom to find! You really are better than you think you are. I think you're great.