Monday, November 17, 2008

My New Favorite Book

So thanks everyone for all the great blogging ideas-nice to feel so loved. That's okay, I don't need any help after all, I just finished my NEW FAVORITE BOOK! Here it is:

Such a captivating read! I started reading it to my class and ended up finishing it on my own because I can't read all day at school and I had to know what happened. (Don't tell the kids I cheated and read ahead-they are really into it too!) It's about a Mongolian girl named Dashti who becomes the ladies maid to a girl who has been banished to a tower for seven years. She helps the time go by faster and keeps from going crazy by writing thoughts down in her journal. That's how I feel about this whole blogging thing sometimes-it helps keep me from going crazy! Who knew how cathartic the writing process could be? Anyway, I don;t want to give away too much, because anyone who hasn't read it has to run right out and get it, but it has adventure, suspense, romance, war, and lots of fascinating cultural references just for fun. I give it FIVE stars! Has anyone else read it?


Desi said...

Sorry about no ideas on the blogging front, but have you read my blog? I've got nothing. Actually I have no time and no internet at home so little to no blogging gets done.

So, this book...good for the whole family? We are always looking for new good books to read together or one that mostly just Ari and I would like?

It's so hard for me to fathom that you teach kids Ari's age. She is growing up way too fast!

Unknown said...

Haven't read it yet, but I want to get a Shannon Hale collection just for Becky and me...maybe Joelle too once she matures a bit (haha). Paul and I are always looking for good books to read together, but he's more of a SciFI/fantasy nut while I like more of the classics. We settled on children's lit.

andrew's mom said...

This is definitely a family appropriate read-as long as Ari can handle a little bit of kissy-kissy! It's not vulgar or anything-it's by the same author of Princess Academy and Goose Girl, so it's meant for the middle school set. I think you would really like it.

Desi said...

The bigger question is would Ken like it?

Ari's not really fond of kissing stuff, but she's growing out of the full on "oh gross" faze so I think she'll be find.

Rylee's Mom said...

I am hoping that it is your own copy so that I can borrow it! :)