Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Bilbo Baggins!

This here post is a shout out to my one and only sibling, Hillary who turns the BIG 3-OH today! Here are the top ten reasons I love my sister:

10. She’s my only sister-do I have a choice? (JUST PLAYIN’!)
9. She is a good cook-capers anyone?
8. We have a lot in common-cats, music, books, shopping, kids, movies, (except the horror-sorry Bill)
7. She doesn’t hold grudges (see above nickname- get it -Hillary=Bilbo, and reference childhood Dumbo incident). I can be grumpy and she still calls back.
6. She thinks I’m funny and laughs at almost all my lame jokes. I’ve got her snowed pretty good.
5. She is always open to trying new things (scrapbooking, blogging, snowmobiling, John Mayer, Wicked, etc.)
4. She is humble. (she doesn’t realize how amazing and smart she really is!)
3. She is a great listener. I can call her and vent about anything. She’s always there.
2. She is fiercely loyal. I know she always has my back. That’s a nice feeling.
1. She loves me unconditionally. Even though I am not the best sister in the world, she loves me anyway and I knever doubt she'll always be there for me.

Happy Birthday Hill! You don't look a day over 29 babe! I wish we lived closer so I could really torture you today! Seriously though, I'm so glad to have you for my sister, you are the BEST!

1 comment:

Rylee's Mom said...

Thanks for giving a shout out to my death day. But it did make me feel very special and loved! Love ya!