Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not Very Surprising...


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!

Thank goodness it's not the 1930's! Unfortunately I probably wouldn't rate very well as a modern wife either! And yes, that is a EIGHT out of a possible 100 points. How perfectly shameful! I better just lay low and hope no one (especially DH) finds out that I'm an inferior wife!


Unknown said...

What are you talking about, I'm sure your husband thinks you're wonderful. Besides what is a modern wife anyway?

So you sorta can and don't sew, who cares, you're fabulous anyway.

Megan said...

That's hilarious. I don't even dare take the quiz... But wait, the depression was during the 30's so maybe that just means you're not depressed.

EmmaP said...

8 out of 100??? wow! I am gonna have to go and take this quiz! Maybe they're giving out prizes for the lowest scores??? well - anyway - at least now you have an excuse. "No! I cannot sew your costume for the kindergarten play, Andrew. Remember? Mommy is a Very Poor 1930's wife." hee hee hee hee hee. It could get you out of a LOT of future "chores". bwahahaha.

Desi said...

You are SO GOOD at so many other things so who cares if you're a good 1930s housewife anyway!

I took the quiz and posted it on my blog too.