Wednesday, June 18, 2008

TAG-I'm It!

My very best, most loyal, kind and understanding (sorry I haven't called for so long) friend Desi, has blog tagged me. I believe this means I am supposed to answer these really cool questions like she did on her blog. So here I go:

Four (I had to put five) random things I like about my husband:
1. I like how loving and patient he is with Andrew.
2. I like that he works hard every day to provide for his family.
3. He doesn't expect unreasonable things from me-he is a pretty easy going guy.
4. He is very understanding and supportive about my career. He helps out wherever needed, ie. moving classrooms, correcting papers, bringing me lunch, watching Andrew when I stay late and he RARELY complains.
5. He is fun-loving and will do spontaneous things at the last minute.

Four jobs I have had:
1. My first job was slinging burgers at Arctic Circle.
2. I worked at Sears in the hardware department for five years.
3. Various telemarketing and phone jobs throughout college.
4. Schoolteacher for the last 12 years and still loving it! (thank goodness)

Four movies I have watched more than once: (this is saying a lot about a movie because I don't really like watching them twice!)
1. Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth version)
2. Where the Heart Is
3. Cars
4. 27 Dresses

Four places I have lived:
1. Idaho Falls, Idaho
2. Rexburg, Idaho
3. Provo, Utah
4. Syracuse, Utah

Four TV shows I watch:
1. LOST (I am a little lost watching it lately, but I persevere)
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Top Chef
4. Intervention

Four places I have been:
1. Niagara Falls (New York/Canada)
2. Dallas, Texas
3. Washington D.C.
4. Oregon Coast

Four people who e-mail me regularly: (I am TERRIBLE at e-mailing back, so most people have given up)
1. My mother (mostly forwards-does that count?)
2. My sister
3. Desi
4. Joni

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chips and salsa at Garcia's
2. Bumbleberry frozen custard at Nielsen's
3. Shrimp Portofino at Macaroni Grill
4. Double Pan Fried Noodles at PF Chang's

Four places I would like to visit:
1. New York City (specifically Broadway, Statue of Liberty and other touristy places)
2. Europe (all of it please-I love the history)
3. Egypt
4. The Grand Canyon (never been-can you believe it?)

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Watching Andrew grow and develop into the little personality he is.
2. Another year of a job that I love that brings something new every day.
3. Spending time with family and friends whenever possible.
4. Breaking Dawn coming out in August (I know, lame and shallow)

Four People I tag: (OH DEAR! As a new blogger, I only know of two people who will for sure read this to be tagged)
1. Hillary (my sister)
2. Mary Jane (my interior designer and life consultant)
3. Kind soul who happens upon my blog
4. Ditto #3

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