Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My little guy says some of the most mind-blowingly cute things ever, and I hereby pledge to record them all (except for the ones I have already forgotten), on this very blog. Some of the most recent:

1) "That is so darlin', (pronounced DAR-WIN) mom! Isn't it darlin'?" CONTEXT: Spoken as we are shopping at Target or somewhere as he picks up some item of clothing or toy that he thinks is cute.

2) "Mom, your dress looks real fancy!" CONTEXT: As I am walking out the door to teach at a conference-he hasn't seen me in a dress in awhile at this point and is obviously shocked.

3) "Wamitz." CONTEXT: Shouted in great excitement when seeing an ambulance. This term is actually starting to fade away. His terminology for ambulance is starting to sound more and more like the actual word. It makes me sad. MY BABY!

4) "Cacko Bayoe." CONTEXT: The resturant Cracker Barrel. We don't go here very often, but it is his ultimate favorite because being the spoiled only child, he is often able to talk us into buying him a toy at the country store gift shop.

5) "I Fy." CONTEXT: A game we often play, "I Spy."

6) "Juzzy." CONTEXT: Jersey, as in his beloved Utah Jazz jersey.

7) "Warm it up, hot AND hot." CONTEXT: Andrew does not appreciate the refreshingness of cold milk. Thus not just one hot, but two for extra emphasis.

8) "Whad you said?" CONTEXT: Could you please repeat that?



Mary Jane said...

You should also include his darling rendition of the three little pigs, Your blog looks great.

Tami said...

Nic Hei. So glad you emailed me. Your boy is adorable. It's so great you have a blog. :) Tam-dog

Megan said...

Nicole. That kid is cute! Oh my gosh. Its so sad when they grow up and don't pronounce things wrong anymore. That's why Kindergarten is the best. or was. i miss it already.

Rylee's Mom said...

Everytime I read these I laugh. What a great idea!