Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just Not Feelin' the Love

So many people I know just can't get enough gardening. I get jealous hearing them describe the joy of the perfect gardening experience. They love to feel the dirt in their hands, enjoy the smell of the fresh soil, and feel like a brand new mother every time a flower blooms. Communing with nature in their own private sanctuary-what could be better? I can think of about a million things. I want to enjoy it and I am not a lazy person, really I'm not! (Okay, at least not any more than any other average gal-I have my moments), but I'm just not feeling the gardening thing. I insist, out of pure pride alone, that my yard look decent, especially since all my neighbors' landscapers have worked so hard on their yards. You know, keeping' up with the Jones's? But no matter how hard I try to enjoy my time in the dirt, the joy evades me. For example, tonight I weeded and pruned, and dead-headed and raked for over three hours and felt nothing but exhausted, sweaty and slightly bitter that I hadn't spent that three hours doing something fun like scrapbooking. Of course I do love the finished product and enjoy some pride when others notice the result of my labors, but I will still wait anxiously for the day when I am rich and can borrow the neighbors' landscapers for an hour or two. Then I'll be feelin' the love!

1 comment:

Mary Jane said...

I'm going to come to your rescue...because I'm so talented in that area! Seriously, your yard looks great. Roses like yours are the envy of the jones'