Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Entertainer

Andrew has always had what we'll call, a "flair for the dramatic." Ever since he was just a wee little thing, his retelling of stories such as The Three Little Pigs, complete with blow-in-your-face Big Bad Wolf Action, have been a hit at parties, camp outs and family gatherings. Recently, he has taken this gift to a whole new level. He is into creating one kid variety shows that he performs at the drop of a hat, anywhere and everywhere. They started in our basement and he has now performed at Grandma's house, the doctor's office, even my classroom at school. The kids think he's hilarious! He always starts with, "Ladies and gemplemen, boys and grils," (SIC)followed by clapping so the audience will know what to do. The shows definitely vary and always include singing, dancing, storytelling and gymnastics of some sort. He says he wants to grow up and drive a street-sweeper (last week it was a garbage truck), but I think maybe my little actor will end up with a star on the Walk of Fame! Here is a sample of one of his latest-although certainly not most stellar performances (it's the only one I have been able to get on tape). I will update later with a better example of his showmanship, but this will definitely give you a taste of his "talent." Enjoy! (Sorry I don't know how to rotate the video, so you'll just have to kink your neck to watch it).


EmmaP said...

Too funny! My oldest used to do this! He also did impersonations of his aunts, uncles and cousins. He has done extra work for commercials and films. Now he is 14 and makes his own "films"- so watch out.

Rylee's Mom said...

My favorite part is his beginning because of the way he says "grils". I sure miss that kid-can't wait to see him.

Desi said...

He is a riot...I'll expect some "I knew you when" love from him when he gets all rich and famous.