Thursday, January 29, 2009

What's New? Pussycat!

Introducing Boo Marchant, our Humane Society rescue kitty! This is the kitten meant to help heal my broken heart. I hadn't cried for a week until last night when I broke down because I couldn't remember how Bobby sounded. Picture a grown woman wailing, " I can't remember the sound of his meow!" Silly, I know, but true!
Little Boo is helping but also hindering the process since he does not like to be TOUCHED let alone petted and/or snuggled. I can't help but think the poor little guy was abused somehow although he was listed as a stray at the HS. One of the reasons I chose him instead of one of his siblings was because of how fragile and terrified he looked. I just knew I could "save" him-kind of like I did with Bobby. Anyway, he is coming around, slowly but surely, thanks to the love of a good owner (that would be me). We named him Boo for three reasons:
1) He is white like a ghost and ghosts say, "BOO!"
2) He is jittery and scared of everything-we may as well be sneaking up behind him yelling, "BOO!" for as much as he is always running, hiding and cowering.
3) He plays "peek-a-boo" with us-always sneaking little looks out from behind wherever he is hiding-scoping us out.

These pictures were taken around two weeks after we got Boo-just as soon as he came out of hiding. He is already around six months old but still a kitten at heart. He loves to run and play, scratch furniture and break stuff. (Why did I want a kitten, again?) He has fallen head-over-heels for Rocky. In fact, Rocky was the only thing that brought him out of hiding for the first few days he was with us. I hope good old Rock (13 years old) can handle rambunctios little Boo. I know we got him very soon after Bobby's death, and I felt guilty about that for awhile-like maybe I was betraying Bobby's memory or not grieving the appropriate amount of time. But I think everyone deals with the loss of a beloved pet differently, and having Boo around has helped both me and Rocky cope with the loss of our good buddy Bob. Now I just have to work on letting him pet him more often! I have tricked him into letting me a few times and he always seems to enjoy it-based on the loud purring-but he's still very antsy and nervous about being approached. I always have enjoyed a good challenge-bring it on, Boo!


Rylee's Mom said...

I can't wait to meet him. I am sure I will have to win him over-just like I had to do w/ Bobby. I am sure that his spirit will be just as sweet!

Mary Jane said...

I think you should tell the story of how he got stuck in the dashboard...thus one of the reasons why he gets so scared!

The Behunin Family Story said...

What a beautiful kitten. I can not wait to hear some kitten stories.

Unknown said...

Nicole, His profile looks almost like Belle and them you see his black tail and spot how cute is that!! Can't wait to meet him but he will probably not come out when we are around.