Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bubba-ism of the Week

Tonight, we went to Andrew's friend's birthday party at the new Chuck E. Cheese in Layton (it was a MADHOUSE to say the least). Anyway, when we got home past eight, Andrew was quite emotional, as he often is when he has played hard, worn himself out, and eaten next to nothing (eating pizza is worse than eating dirt to my child). So, he was teary-eyed and cried over lots of little things, ie. not wanting to take a bath, being hungry, not wanting to go to kindergarten without me (who knows where that one came from, he was delirious, but I reassured him that he won't be five for some time now so not to worry). So we finally wipe away the tears and get around to the teeth brushing when he says:
"Mom, I am just sad today."
"Well, why do you think that is, Andrew?"
"I had a bad day."
"You did? Didn't you have fun at the party? What was so bad about today?"
"No, not a bad day, I am just sad."
"Why honey?"
"That's just how I am mom."
Pretty deep for a four year old! I guess I just have to do my best to keep him well fed and rested and keep those toddler blues at bay.

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

how cute! I think the cat pic sums it all up! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am definitely adding yours to the blogs I read daily!!!