Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pink USED to be my favorite color

until it showed up in BOTH Bubba's eyes this morning. Yes, the wonders of the bacterial infection known as PINK EYE (aka conjunctivitis)! Supposedly only dirty people, "white trash" and those who don't wash after using the potty (which I suppose would actually fall into one category since dirty people generally are trashy and don't wash their potty hands) are cursed with this affliction and this is our third battle with the beast in the last two years. I am designating a new category of people whose kids get pink eye-the working mothers whose kids have to go to daycare (if they want a place to live and food to eat) and whose kid went to a birthday party with a bunch of kids Saturday and who maybe got it from some potty handed kid at church on Sunday group. How's that for a category? Totally not what I need right now! I am taking a day without pay today to be able to stay home with him since I am fresh out of leave at work. Gee, I wonder why I would be out of leave with only 9 school days left? Sigh...when it rains it pours! I was rushing around the house this morning saying, "We're late Andrew, gotta hurry!" and then I looked over at his crusted over little eyes and said,"Nevermind, we're staying home," which of course thrilled him. He's a trooper-hasn't complained one bit from being poked and prodded by the doctor to having cold and slightly stingy liquid repeatedly squirted into his eyes. He's such a good boy and I am so lucky to have him-pink eyes and all! (Now watch my cats will get it and I'll spend twice as much on them getting it cleared up as I did on my human child.) Pray for me please!


Desi said...

I'm so sorry...give Andrew a great big hug from me :)

But for the record, most of the things that they say only happen to white trash/dirty people, i.e. pink eye and lice really do happen to everyone. So far we've lucked out in this department, but there's always a first.

Heather R said...

That stinks.. Poor little guy. I guess the bright side of things is that is school is almost out, right? Good Luck on a better week!!

EmmaP said...

ick... potty hands... i just threw up in my mouth. sorry to hear about the day-off-without pay! that bites!!! Sucks Rocks, even! oh...and...er...um...the pink eye sucks too! ;)