Sunday, June 14, 2009

Busy Time with Meemaw

My mom (Andrew's Meemaw) came for a visit this week. I spent the several days prior to her arrival running around the house frantically, trying to unpack the last of the boxes from the move and be sure every room would pass the infamous one-handed white glove test (which is actually a figment of my imagination, but I always think she might just surprise me one time and whip a white glove out). Like I have said before, I am not a complete pig, but my mother is an immaculate housekeeper, so I am always a little intimidated when she comes to visit. Not to mention the fact that we just moved and I was still working up to the week before she arrived, so it was all I could do to get everything done! (Excuses, excuses!) Anyway, after staying up several nights in a row I began to realize there was no possible way I could get every room ready in time. I gave up and made the best of it by shoving what I could in closets and making sure the front rooms were presentable. My mom could not have been sweeter! She complimented me on what I had been able to get done in the house so far, and spent every other second of her time with us being totally about Andrew and me and making sure we were well settled in our new place. She and I stayed up together every night (it's much more fun staying up late when someone else is staying up WITH you!), cleaning, reorganizing, washing, folding, decorating, and matching three boxes of unmated socks!!

It rained pretty much the whole 4 days she was here so we took Andrew to a place in Bountiful called Kangaroo Zoo. It's full of all kinds of bouncy toys and slides and he really liked it. Unfortunately, scatterbrained me forgot the camera for that particular outing so you don't get to see how cute he looked on the bouncy toys.

The next day we lucked out and it was clear outside, so we headed to Wheeler Farm in Murray. I liked it because it was free, the boy liked it because tractors are involved (and he made me promise in advance to steer clear of the geese), and my mom had never been so it was perfect. We lucked out again because it started raining just as we left. Then we headed to Kohl's and mom bought Andrew some new church clothes.

Due to the fact the Andrew's OPU (Other Parental Unit-Thanks for the perfect terminology Emma!) had visitation Wednesday evening and Fri-Sun., mom and I even managed to sneak in a couple of movies. It has been months since I have seen a "grown-up" movie, so I took full advantage. We saw Terminator, starring my angst ridden boyfriend, Christian Bale, and another movie that shall not be named due to the R-rating (we didn't realize until after we bought tickets or my mom would not have gone), and very inappropriate content. I have to admit I did laugh in the second movie a couple of times between wincing and cringing.

I will not lie-I am EXHAUSTED, but the house looks AWESOME! I could not have accomplished so much so quickly without my mom's help and encouragement. It was fun having time just the two of us to bond and have girl talk. It's too bad that sometimes you have to go through a lot of trials and unpleasant changes in life to come to a realization about how much people mean to you. I don't think I have given my mom enough credit for everything she has done and continues to do for me. Thanks for everything mom-I love you!


Heather R said...

Your mom is amazing! I am so glad you guys got to spend time together. It sounds like you had alot of fun and got alot done. It's true-- sometimes it takes trials in our lives to realize how much other people mean to us. I think of you lots and hope things are going well.

Unknown said...

Thanks Nicole for the fun weekend I love you too!!!

Rylee's Mom said...

I am glad that you had a good time plus you got a ton done! What could be better!