Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Makes Me Happy!

I have been meaning for awhile to post about the wonders of fall. It has always been my favorite season and not because of Halloween or Thanksgiving or any other specific date on the calendar. My favorite holiday is Christmas and I am not a fan of winter in general. Fall is beautiful! Beyond beautiful. Makes me feel serene and happy. Which as of late is saying something! Love watching the colors on the mountainside behind my house change, love watching bushes that were green last week turn red, not rust, not pink, RED! In the past I have loved taking lots of pictures in the fall, and just generally try to spend as much time outside as possible, enjoying the scenery. This year, with all the personal "turmoil" in my life, which for those of you who don't know includes my separation and impending divorce, I have not had the inclination to do much of it (or much of anything for that matter), and feel I have really missed out on something special. I took Andrew to the zoo this weekend, which is where I took the above picture, and I was much more taken with the falling leaves and amazing color changes than I was with the animals! It was nice to get out and do something that felt like the "old" me for awhile. So, although the season is drawing to a close, I hereby pledge to make the most of the last few days of the most picturesque time of the year. Heading outside to go roll in the leaves...maybe start a leaf fight!


Rylee's Mom said...

I miss you! Hope you start to feel better soon.

Desi said...

I love Fall too, but I haven't rolled in the leaves since I was a kid...I think I need to do it again.

I hope you know how much I love you and I hope everything starts to look up for you!

Unknown said...

I hope the leaf fight lifts your spirits.

I'm so sorry I only got to say a quick hello today. Here's a huge hug.((((hugging))))

You're my inspiration.

Mary Jane said...

I want to come have a leaf fight with you! I'm sorry I had to miss the fun today.
I love you and I'm proud of you and how you're handling the turmoil. Refiner's fire! (have you heard that story?)

Sarah Jane said...

Hello. Fall makes me happy too. I am happy to see you have a blog too!