Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

This is the first year I think Andrew has begun to understand what the Fourth of July is really about. Of course he has never minded going to parades, partaking of endless candy, barbecuing with family and friends, and strangely has never complained about watching amazing awe-inspiring fireworks displays.
I remember his first fireworks when he was only a couple of months old and although we were very close to the river where they are shot from in my hometown, the kid slept through the whole thing. Now that's talent-have I mentioned his love of sleep? But I digress...
Until this year I don't think he has the slightest idea what all the fuss of the Fourth was really about.This year we discussed the birthday of our country and all the blessings we had to be grateful for because we live here. He sings the most delightful, off-key but precious rendition of ,"The Star Spangled Banner," that begins,"Oh..Grace can you see?" He learned the tune and then made up his own words from going to the assemblies while in daycare at the Northridge High. I can't get enough of it but of course he will very rarely sing it for me because I think maybe I request it too much. But on our country's Independence Day, he sang it loud and proud and pretty much all day long (while waving his requisite free-at-the parade flag). That was a nice touch.
Normally, we head down to the river to watch,"The biggest fireworks display west of the Mississippi," but this year we mellowed out at home and did our own little street display. Since I have an unreasonable fear of fireworks (stemming from an incident with a sparkler down my shirt in Jr. high), Andrew probably wouldn't have had the chance to hold the sparkly stick of pain had it not been for my mom and sister's insistence. All was well, no burns or traumatic incidents thank goodness.
So, we still had parades, lots of food, family and fireworks, but this year the holiday was made a little sweeter knowing that my son is beginning to understand the importance of patriotism and what it means to be a citizen of this great country of ours. How was your Fourth of July? What tradition does your family have for the holiday?


Unknown said...

Really?!?!?! A sparkler down your shirt!!! I'd have lifelong fears too.

I'm glad you're back to blogging Bubba's adventures before we all forget.

EmmaP said...

how cute... i wonder if he pictures a girl named "grace" who is blind??? and i love that forst pic...a black and white pront of that would look awesome!!! :)

Heather R said...

I'm glad you had a fun fourth! Thanks for the happy birthday wish. I love the pic of Andrew and Riley