Monday, June 29, 2009

Ahhh Naptime...My Daily Respite!

I am setting a goal to rededicate my blogging efforts. Originally, the purpose of this blog was to closely document the happenings in the life of my little guy, Andrew, "Before I Forgot," which I tend to do so easily. I have gotten distracted lately and am finding that those little things he says and does which are so precious at the time, are once again becoming lost to me forever because I am forgetting to document them. So, this is my renewed pledge, to blog about Andrew at least twice a week for the rest of the year. I can do it! Let's start with the wonder of naps, shall we?

Can you believe my darling five year old child still takes naps? He not only takes naps but:
1) Lots of times, when feeling sleepy, he'll tell ME that he would like to go to sleep, rather than the other way around. This is not a forced nap, believe me!
2) He sleeps for between 1 1/2-3 hours, STILL!
3) This gives me a nice little "me time" every day where I can tend to "mommy" business, such as, blogging, reading e-mail, facebooking, scrapbooking, chatting on the phone, or heaven forbid, have a little nappie time myself. (Any guesses as to what my little guy is doing RIGHT NOW?)
4) He wakes up cheerful and refreshed, not grumpy as I am told some children do, ready for whatever the rest of the day might bring.
5) He still goes to bed between 8:30-9:00 every night, no arguing. He likes his sleep. He does wake up rather early though, between 6:30-7:00, so there's the trade-off.
6) He's a non-discriminatory napper. The nap does not have to take place in a bed, wherever he is, he's going to have his nap. The car, friend' houses, heck, The San Diego Zoo(see picture above-sorry not very good I had to scan it). If he's tired, he will NAP!

I really am such a lucky mom in many ways, but today I wanted to pay special homage to the beauty of the daily nap. How is the poor child going to make it through kindergarten in the fall without his daily sleepy time? Do any of you still indulge in daily naps on occasion? If so when and how often?


Heather R said...

That is awesome that Andrew still takes such great naps for you! You definately need that time to get your stuff done! I would love to take naps but it seems the only time I can fit it in is on an occasional Sunday. Oh well- Have a great day!

Megan said...

Maggie doesn't even nap--and she's 2. You are SO lucky. I had a sweetheart in my afternoon kindergarten and her mom was so worried that she'd fall asleep every day 'cause she was an afternoon napper. But she did just fine. You could always put him in morning kindergarten so he could keep his afternoon nap.

LUCKY! I can't wait to hear more about Andrew this summer. He's so adorable. I'm sad I'm not still at MT VIEW so I could see him in the kindergarten next year.

EmmaP said...

my oldest NEVER EVER EVER took naps. seriously, even as a newborn, it seemed he hardly slept until bedtime. Then - he'd saw logs and It was pulling teeth to get him to wake up. he is still that way. My Middle one was a napper. Like clock-work immediately after lunch. Actually, almost after every meal. He is still very much like this (except at school, since it is recess after lunch). But even when we go to a restaurant, after he eats, he starts to lay down in his seat or beg to go to the car to nap... weird. my daughter naps, but only once in a blue moon... ME? i nap ANYTIME i can. which unfortunately isn't much...

Rylee's Mom said...

Rylee still argues with me about naps. It seems that more and more she isn't even getting her naps on the weekend for some reason or another. When she does get her nap 1/2 the time I fall asleep with her. Is Andrew in morning or afternoon kindergarten?

Mary Jane said...

You know my deal with them, but sure can't coordinate them. That is probably one of my reasons for being so anti social this summer. Kimball is asleep at 11:00 a.m. then Kathryn goes down about 2:00 p.m. and then the afternoon is over.
Love it while it's still happening!

Desi said...

I'm jealous...although I'm afraid I would just nap too and then get no me time...ha ha ha.

I get an occasional Saturday or Sunday nap, but not often enough ;-)