Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not Dead-Just Stressed

Well, yes, dear reader, I am still alive! I just noticed and was quite alarmed that I have not posted on this blog for almost a month! Quite shameful! And I have missed you, dear reader, as posting on this blog has always been something I have rather enjoyed. I guess the reason why I have been missing in action lately is that I have been going through some stuff-shall we say? I will have more time to explain after school is out (9 days-whose counting?) but until then, I am fine, Bubba is fine, we are well and starting out on a new adventure together! I figured that although I have nothing terribly exciting to share, if I didn't post soon, I'd forget how-maybe this will reinvigorate me and I'll start posting more often like the good old days.
(Don't you love cryptic messages that leave you wondering what the heck is going on? Yeah, I hate them too!)


Heather R said...

Nicole- glad to hear you are still alive! Good Luck with everything. I have missed hearing from you. How exciting that school is almost out!!

EmmaP said...

stuff happens... life's a beach...and don't "should" all over yourself either! lol! just glad your back. take it easy and bust through these last days of school! whoo-hoo!

Unknown said...

Yes'm, I hate not knowing what you're hinting at, but it's your business, and I'm not one to pry. We all have "Desserts" going on in our lives, so if you need a shoulder, I'll offer mine.

Becky still says you're the best teacher ever...that's saying a lot considering she's had only fabulous teachers for several years now. Enjoy these last few days of school then live it up this summer with Bubba.

PS, we're going to see Wicked in SF!!! I'm too excited!

Rylee's Mom said...

Keep hangin in there! You are doing a great job-wish that I could be there for more support! Love ya!