Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Planning THE Party

I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks. Apart from recovering from my vacation, working my fingers to the bone, and spending too much time playing with my new toy, Facebook, I have been occupied with important business. The business of planning THE party. My boy and only child, Andrew, the Bubba, apple of my eye and center of the universe is turning five on the 16th. (Moment of silence while I shed a tear-they really DO grow up too fast!).

Thus, a party MUST be had. A party to end all parties. A party the likes of which has never been seen before. And the party's theme will be...DRUM ROLL PLEASE...Construction! I think I have mentioned before that my son aspires to drive a dump truck or if he's REALLY successful a tow truck. (I am not slamming people who do this type of work for a living-I just want to make sure he at least gets a college education first!)

So, I am expected to plan an unforgettable shindig with nothing but dump trucks and bulldozers as inspiration? Well, that's what the boy wants and so he shall have it! So I have been googling and running from store to store to find the best cake, games, toys, prizes and goody bag loot to be had. The party is Saturday and if anyone shows up, I think it will be really fun. I will be sure to post pictures and a full report as soon as I recover from the social event of the season. If you have any brilliant ideas to contribute, I would love any help. Over and out.


Desi said...

I'm no help here having never planned a boy’s birthday party let alone having it be all about trucks. Good luck with that though.

I sent Andrew's present (well actually Ken did but who's counting right) but then I noticed that I forgot to put the gift receipt in the box. I'll send it separately...feel free to return or exchange anything. I steered away from the truck aspect because there just aren't THAT many truck toys out there and I don't know what he has or will get. I choose something we like and so hopefully he will too ;)

Megan said...


There are some fun ideas at that site. I thought the orange cone hats were adorable and I liked that she served treats out of trucks. You could buy some big plastic trucks at Big Lots or something and put chips and cheetohs in them or what have you.

I can't wait to see what you come up with. You're so creative. Be sure you post your pictures.

Mary Jane said...

Well me and the brood are coming so it will be a party. I'm sorry I haven't been better at helping you get all ready. You want me to come over tomorrow night. Chris is off work, so I could come do some serious cleaning.
The games and everything else you've planned is great! It will be the party of the year!