Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens

I took Bubba to see this little gem today and we both quite enjoyed it for very different reasons. Andrew liked the army troops, helicopters, tanks, spaceships, aliens, monsters and battle scenes. I liked that the hero of the movie is a girl (played very sweetly by Reese Witherspoon), who learns crucial life lessons about female empowerment, self-esteem, and the importance of good friends. Andrew is reenacting the army scenes as I write this but I am hopeful that someday, if I do my job correctly, he will come to understand the "other" essential parts of this movie. I give 4 1/2 out of 5 stars and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a couple hours of low maintenance (translation: I get to sit on my bum and do nothing while my child is highly entertained) family fun! I would tell you all about the spectacular 3-D effects, but unfortunately my neighborhood theater didn't feature the 3-D version.


Rylee's Mom said...

I'm glad you guys liked the movie. Can't wait to take Rylee to see it!

Desi said...

What about inappropriate stuff? Does it have a lot of that? We decided not to take Ari because she is old enough to understand most of the references...of which there seems to be a lot just from the I wrong? I hate that they put a bunch of that stuff in kids movies these days...maybe I'm just getting old :)

andrew's mom said...

Desi-I am probably totally oblivious because I was with a 5 year old, but I don't remember anything inappropriate. The only thing I can think of is when the blob asks for the jello's phone it is bugging me that I missed it!

Desi said...

Yeah, I used to be oblivious until Ari got old enough to actually understand the inferences…

I’m still pretty bad about music…she will sometimes ask me to change the station in the car when the song is inappropriate and I’ve missed it…she really is a good kid, I just worry about some of her friends :(

EmmaP said...

where have i been? i haven't even heard of this movie. i wanna go see it now. thanks for the review!