Monday, May 24, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub-There's A NUT in the Tub!

I responded to Andrew's shrieks and stifled giggles to find him posing like this in the tub:
And I do mean posing. He goes out of his way to think of ways to entertain me and anyone else who will give him a minute of their time. He is such a funny boy! I can't imagine what my life would be like without him. He always makes me smile and brings me unmeasureable joy. I need to focus on the positive-the miracle that my child is and enjoy every second! Little seconds like this one that add up much too quickly!
ps-Let's just ignore the fact that I have not posted since November. Busy Year? EPIC BLOGGING FAIL!


Desi said...

He is such a cutie!!!

Thanks for the new least I know you're still alive ;-)

EmmaP said...

yay! you're back!!!