Friday, May 28, 2010


And I didn't even cry. Okay so maybe he was the kid who didn't stand up when he was supposed to when they sang songs, and maybe he shouted out across the room at me a couple of times, but he was the darn cutest kid in the room and there couldn't have been a prouder mom! School is a struggle for my boy yet he tries so hard. This year has been a huge learning experience for both of us. For him to hang in there and always do his best and for me to learn to let go a little and watch him fall and get back up. Mrs. Moffett has been a blessing for Andrew-always so sweet and understanding and never putting on too much pressure like mom tends to do sometimes....I am working on it! Here we come first grade! WHOO HOO!


Desi said...

Oh my cute is he??? Way to go Andrew!!!

...and don't stress too much, he's just following the beat of his own drummer ;-)

EmmaP said...

he is soooo cute!!!

Rylee's Mom said...

Whoo Hoo Bubba-way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!