Andrew has been a little fish this summer, showing off his skills at swimming lessons -where he was the smallest and oldest in his class and could barely touch the bottom of the pool, but that didn't slow him down one bit!-to the Plunge and slip n slide at Meemaw's, to Lagoona Beach-wasn't much into the slides but requested at one point to move to "deeper water!" Andrew has always been comfortable in the water and unlike some kids his age, it d
Last year he had private lessons from one of my student's sisters and one-on-one learning with her has been the most effective by far. His teacher recommended he take Level One again next
year, mainly because of his size. We'll keep trying!
One thing he doesn't stand for when it comes to water is being splashed in the face as our friends Carter and Kathryn and our cousin Rylee can tell you. You don't see Andrew mad often, but if you want o see him throw a hissy fit, go ahead and splash him in the face. I wouldn't recommend it.