I decided to adopt a kitten. I went on KSL, called a few numbers and ended up at a house looking at two brother kittens. The last two left from the litter. One black, a little larger than the smaller brown striped runt. The house had about 12 kids under five carrying the kittens around by their heads and pulling them out from under the chairs by their tails. Someone had to do something....but not me! TWO new kittens is just not realistic. TWO new kittens is WAY too impulsive. TWO new kittens would be just TOO much! SIGH....
I just had to rescue both the babies...Introducing....Tobey and Mowie-the TWO new kitten children of me, the Crazy Cat Lady. They are so cute and so much fun and so cuddly and have helped me mourn my darling Rocky in a much healthier way than I would have otherwise. Despite the fact that they are clawing their way through the complete and total destruction of my entire house...I just love them!